Caroline Josephs PhD
Sydney, Australia
Artist, Writer, Storyteller, Researcher, Educator
University of Western Sydney, Doctor of Philosophy 2005
(Thesis proposition that oral storytelling invokes the liminal zone as potential for
transformation of Reality) - through investigating stories from four cultures: Inuit, Judaic,
Indigenous Australian, Zen Buddhist)
included 30 A1 pastel drawings, CD of oral storytelling presentations.
University of Technology, Sydney, Master of Arts (Creative Writing) 1995
manuscript memoire….’Behind the Owl’s Mask’
University of Canberra, Master of Arts (Education) 1973)
learning about another culture
Australian National University
2 yrs f/time, 2 yrs p/time -- Photomedia, Graphic Investigation, Art History
All studies have infused current art works
Selected Exhibitions Artwork
2016 September -- forthcoming Art Show ‘Liminal Coast, Liminal Imagination’
The Painting Pavilion, Daceyville, Sydney
2014, The Pav Opening,
The Painting Pavilion, Daceyville, Sydney
2013, Out from Downunder: Fine Art from Australia and New Zealand,
Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2013, Artist-in-Residency,
Vytlacil Artist in Residency campus of The Art Students’ League of New York,
up-state New York, included open studio exhibit,
month of May --
completed 5 large paintings - theme of Manhattan migration, plus 60 abstract prints;
2012-2013, Dressing Sydney: The Jewish Fashion Story
Sydney Jewish Museum, Darlinghurst, Sydney
Painting and story -- at exhibition entrance
2013, Human Rights: Freedom,
TAP Gallery, Darlinghurst, Sydney
2013, $3000 and under,
Art Atrium Gallery, Bondi Junction, Sydney
2013, exhibition of current work,
Diamond Essence Conference, Central Coast, NSW
2012, Out from Downunder: Fine Art from Australia and New Zealand,
Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2011, Out from Downunder: Fine Art from Australia & New Zealand,
Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2010, Emergence, (4 artists),
Mary Place Gallery, Paddington, Sydney
Private commissions (Sydney, Denmark (2), Canberra)
Private collections (Sydney, New York, Singapore)
Selected Storytellings, Presentations
2013, 2012, 2011
Derivan/Matisse Paint Company,
Recorded talks, slide presentations of artwork
for studio audience and U-tube
July 2015, Australian Catholic University, Sydney,
Grounding the Sacred in the Arts Conference,
‘The Liminal as Sacred - through Art, Oral Storytelling,
storytelling and presentation -- with special reference to Yolngu NE Arnhemland culture,
oral storytelling, my own artwork.
August 2015, Soirée, private gathering --
Storytelling -- NE Arnhemland encounters, Bhutan adventures, poetry….
(other contributors sharing on guitar, oudh, singing, African drums, ukulele, poetry)
Aboriginal Elder, Dulumunmun
Many ‘Walking Country’ experiences with groups, plus workshops.
Have known and worked with Dulumunmun, Yuin man from South Coast NSW over
decades, taking people into Country to hear his stories, sometimes weaving my stories of
encounters with Aborignal people in Brewarrina, in Arnhemland, in Central Australia, with
his stories and teachings.
Facilitating book-making, image- and word-making arising from these ‘Bush’ experiences
-- for expression of the learning.
Hand book-making is a feature of the workshops.
2013, 2012, 2011
Guest storyteller in Greenwich Village, New York, during April/May
Storytellings with presentations, many venues including Sydney Zen Centre, Sydney
Temple Emmanuel, Sydney Buddhist Library, Art Gallery of New South Wales, ‘Two Fires
Festival, Braidwood, NSW, Sydney Theosophist Society, University of Wollongong Law
Faculty, University of New South Wales, Australian National University, University of
Western Sydney, University of Queensland, Private home gatherings and workshops -
since early 2000s.
Josephs, Caroline, Travels with a Paintbrush: In Matisse’s Villa le Rêve (Vence,
Southern France), ‘ARTisSpectrum’, Vol 30, 2013, New York,
pp. 48-52
Josephs, Caroline, Ancient Olive Trees Inspire Artwork - in Puglia, Italy,
‘ARTisSpectrum’, New York, Vol. 26, 2011, pp. 65-69
Josephs, Caroline, New York City: Evoking the Muse, ‘ARTisSpectrum’,
New York, Vol 25, 2011, pp.62-63
Josephs, Caroline, Art-making as Searching: Kinship of Country, Body, Ancestors,
‘ARTisSpectrum’, New York, Vol 24, November 2010, pp 71-75
Reviews of art work in ARTisSpectrum
. Vol 30, 2013, p. 52
. Vol 27, 2012, p. 97
. Vol 26, 2011, p.56
. Vol 25, 2011, p. 60
Josephs, Caroline, 'The Way of the S/Word: storytelling as emerging liminal',
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, USA, Vol 21, No 3, May-
June 2008, pp 251-267
Many other publication of academic articles, conference presentations….
stories, poems
As curriculum developer working on innovative projects for many years, Caroline
developed and implemented innovative large-scale curriculum projects in schools
across Australia (Multi-Arts - visual art, writing, drama, music -- project in 3 states
over 6 years) and helped to introduce Asian Studies into New South Wales Schools
in 1970s, was involved with Intercultural Education in many forms. In 80s and 90s
worked in two universities introducing open and distance learning. After a long
career as an educator, Caroline became a full time artist, writer, storyteller,
researcher in 2008.
University of Western Sydney, Doctor of Philosophy 2006
(Thesis proposition that oral storytelling invokes the liminal zone as potential for transformation of Reality) - through investigating stories from four cultures: Inuit, Judaic, Indigenous Australian, Zen Buddhist) included 30 A1 pastel drawings, CD of oral storytelling presentations.
University of Technology, Sydney, Master of Arts (Creative Writing) 1995 - manuscript memoire….’Behind the Owl’s Mask’
University of Canberra, Master of Arts (Education) 1973) - learning about another culture
Australian National University - 2 yrs f/time, 2 yrs p/time -- Photomedia, Graphic Investigation, Art History
All studies have infused current arts work
Josephs, Caroline, Travels with a Paintbrush: In Matisse’s Villa le Rêve (Vence, Southern France), ‘ARTisSpectrum’, Vol 30, 2013, New York, pp. 48-52
Josephs, Caroline, Ancient Olive Trees Inspire Artwork - in Puglia, Italy, ‘ARTisSpectrum’, New York, Vol. 26, 2011, pp. 65-69
Josephs, Caroline, New York City: Evoking the Muse, ‘ARTisSpectrum’, New York, Vol 25, 2011, pp.62-63
Josephs, Caroline, Art-making as Searching: Kinship of Country, Body, Ancestors, ‘ARTisSpectrum’, New York, Vol 24, November 2010, pp 71-75
Reviews of art work in ARTisSpectrum
. Vol 30, 2013, p. 52
. Vol 27, 2012, p. 97
. Vol 26, 2011, p.56
. Vol 25, 2011, p. 60
Josephs, Caroline, 'The Way of the S/Word: storytelling as emerging liminal', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, USA, Vol 21, No 3, May- June 2008, pp 251-267
Many other publication of academic articles, conference presentations…. stories, poems
As curriculum developer working on innovative projects for many years, Caroline developed and implemented innovative large-scale curriculum projects in schools across Australia (Multi-Arts - visual art, writing, drama, music -- project in 3 states over 6 years) and helped to introduce Asian Studies into New South Wales Schools.
in 1970s, was involved with Intercultural Education in many forms. In 80s and 90s worked in two universities introducing open and distance learning.
After a long career as an educator, Caroline became a full time artist, writer, storyteller, researcher in 2008.